3 Things Millennials Want From Their Managers

Millennials currently make up the largest generational group in the workforce so it is important that businesses know how to manage them.  The millennial generation presents a unique set of challenges for managers because they are vastly different than the generations that came before them.  They have been described in every way from lazy and self-centered to open-minded and collaborative.  While the descriptions may vary, one thing is certain…millennials have specific needs from their managers.  In order to attract and retain the best this generation has to offer, managers need to tap into those particular assets that millennials value.  Let’s take a look at 3 things millennials want from their managers.

Flexible Work Schedules

As more millennials begin entering the workforce, so long are the days of a 9-5 schedule.  Nearly 80% of millennials agree that flexible work hours make them more productive and are a must for them.   20 years ago if someone had requested flexible work hours on an interview they would have been laughed right out of the room, but these days it comes as no surprise.  In actuality, there really are a few great reasons why millennials value this in a job.  Millennials want a manager who is willing to support a work-family balance and flex scheduling allows for this.  This generation is willing to make up the time on weekends or late nights if need be.  This generation is also more comfortable with technology, allowing them to work anytime anywhere.  More and more professionals are seeking work-from-home jobs.  Lastly, most millennials will agree that flex schedules actually prove to be more productive.  They are more fulfilled at work and can work at times when they are most alert and focused.  Not to mention, their work time increases when they are not factoring in travel time to and from work each day.

Lots of Feedback

The millennial generation wants to be coached at work.  They crave and respond to a manager who is willing to invest time helping them and coaching them.  One way managers can do this is by providing regular feedback to their millennial employees.  In fact, millennials want as much feedback as possible, at least on a monthly basis.  They feel like their manager is their main source for development and they are seeking insight, constructive criticism, and any helpful pointers from their managers.

Career Growth Opportunities

One thing the millennial generation has is a drive for success.  This is a generation that wants to learn and grow and they look to their managers to help them do just that.  More than perhaps any other generation, millennials want managers who are willing to invest in professional development and growth opportunities for them.    They think about their jobs as opportunities to learn and grow and have a strong desire for development which sets them apart from other generations.  They want their managers to provide them with opportunities to enhance their skills and further their careers.